Big money is back!!

Just today, Bloomberg reported the following:

May 17 (Bloomberg) — Yale University and the University of Pennsylvania are leading a rebound in contributions to colleges as donors who held back during the recession are writing checks again following two years of a rising stock market. Read more:

So, at least we know, those who have money are getting back to normal. Well, these are some real marketing lessons here:

  1. First, people with money still have money, so if they’re your target, go for it with gusto.
  2. If your client or customer profile is more modest, get your plans ready to go for it. After all, first one in, on a recovery, gets the lion’s share of market share when the dollars are flowing.

Playing catch up in sports or marketing is a real bad deal… a bummer on steroids!

So, refine your customer, define his needs and message your services that meets his needs… oh, and hire some additional “intake” associates.

If you want to “bounce” a marketing idea you have off me, call Fred Taylor @ GTG Marketing @ 301-991-7098. And by the way, if your product is regional and big ticket, radio’s the way to go [That’s 25 years experience talking!] That’s 310-991-7098

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